About the artist

Noriko Kinouchi finished Tokyo University of the Arts in 2000, major in oil painting. And she got MFA at same university specialty in Japanese style woodblock printmaking. She has been working with digital since her graduation.

**artist statement
Thank you very much for seeing my artworks. Why I always use the digital? The reason is so clear. It is the only way that can represent my artistic motivations.
 Needless to say, digital contents and technology permeate through mankind life, but almost all artists believe that digital is not suitable tool for painting. Using digital is hard to represent artistic motivations than classical painting media, because of its own property, wide range of virtual domain and indirect control.I think so too but on the other hand, I believe opposite possibility in digital representation so much.
 At working, I always use some photos. These have been completely analyzed, drawn, traced and prepared before rolling
out on the art board. My artworks make definitely stories through these patient processes for constructing view of my artistic representation. The fragments of artistic elements are started to breath and given life, they were going to fix on the art board for making their own world up.I must grapple with virtual domains and indirect control while at work but there are no problem because my passions for my representation exceed any difficulty.Complete images are achieved in my mind before my hands chase the concrete shapes of the artworks. I take over 30-60 layers and closely thin lines to bring my works highly end.

   You can get more information by pdf.
